That is what he is trying to say. This is a beautiful quote from Krupadudev but only if one understands it.
Questioner: Is it the work of the pratisthit atma (relative or charged atma; the relative-self, 'I am Chandulal') to have suspicions?
Dadashri: The main Atma, the Self does not have suspicion. But the pratisthit atma is definitely is laden with suspicions shankashil. Depending on the kind of pratishtha (projections of one's inner intent) you do of a form murti, the fruits you reap from your pratishtha will be matching. Similarly, you have also done pratishtha in this murti your body. There is no difference between this idol and that idol. Whatever you have instilled pratishtha in this body, is what you will receive. Good pratishtha will give you good fruits.
Questioner: So it is the pratisthit atma that has suspicion about the shuddha atma pure atma?.
Dadashri: Yes, the pratishthit atma. I have referred to it as pratishthit atma but people call it vyavahar atma. What you currently believe as the atma is really the vyavahar atma - the relative self. But people do not understand what goes on within the relative self. You have no understanding about the vyavahar atma; the creater of another pratishthit atma is 'you' yourself. Because you do pratishtha, it gives rise to the pratishthit atma. By being, 'I am Chandulal, I am Chandulal,' your pratishthit atma is arising again; another pratishtha is been formed within. Because you believe in the one with a form, you are doing pratishtha in the form and that is why the one with a form will be born. With the belief 'I am a pure Soul' everything will fall away.
Pragnya - the direct light of the Self - biased only towards the
Questioner: 'I am Shuddhatma- pure Soul and not the body' does the intellect- intellect not say that too?
Dadashri: Here it is not the intellect that says so. The intellect will not allow you to say, 'I am Shuddhatma.' It is self-destruction for the intellect to say, 'I am Shuddhatma'. It will lose its own existence. Therefore the intellect will never side with the Shuddhatma. If it says, 'I am