Questioner: It was Bareli.
Dadashri: Yes. The police officer and other people of Bareli told us to stop the bus. I asked them, 'What is the problem?' They told us not to go any further and to spend the night there because people were being robbed in the fifty-mile radius. So I told them, 'Let them rob us if they want to but we are going forward.' Finally, they told us to take two police officers as escorts. I agreed and two police officers came with us with guns but nothing happened. It is very difficult for such a circumstance of being robbed in a large group, to occur and if it was meant to happen, then even if you make thousands of efforts to prevent it, your efforts will be in vain. So do not be fearful, do not become suspicious. No work can be successful until suspicions are removed. Nishankata absolute freedom from suspicion is the state of the Self, and until that is attained one cannot become fearless. Wherever there is suspicion, fear is always there.
No one will have suspicions of this kind
Ask any man in Mumbai whether he has a suspicion that he isgoing to die. He will tell you no because that is one thought he will throw out; he will uproot it from its main trunk and throw it out. He knows that if does that suspicion, it will kill him. Similarly, suspicions of any other kind is not worth having. Pluck out all other suspicions that arise within; remove them the moment they sprout. Become suspicion-free everywhere else. However people will harbor all other suspicions from within but the moment they begin to have suspicions about death, they will pluck it out; they will not let it sprout
Solution from Gnani Purush
If his business is going down, he worries and suspects, 'What will happen if the business goes down? What will happen if the business sustains a loss?' You fool! Do not have suspicions. One will use the sayiing, Those who are successful will remain successful and those who are unsuccessful will remain unsuccessful. The unsuccessful one will never succeed and the successful one will never fail.' Look what a statement! But