Say a man pays you interest of a thousand rupees every month on a principle of one hundred thousand he has borrowed from you. This man incurs a loss of two or three hundred thousand rupees in his business. Even though he sends you interest this month and knowing that he has sustained a loss, if you suspect "What if he does not pay pack the hundred thousand? What will I do if he does not give me the money?' Once you get this suspicion takes hold in your mind, where will it end? A suspicion has no end, and it will kill the one who suspects.
Then at night, at an odd time, the suspicion will arise, what if he does not return the money? You did not get this suspicion during the entire day and then when you get it arises at night it causes you misery. Was there no misery, during the entire daytime? When you have given the money, and then if the suspicion arises, 'will he return it or not?', then you will feel the pain no? Why did you have the suspicion at night and not during the day?
Questioner: What is the reason?
Dadashri: It is our foolishness. If you are going to be suspicious, then be suspicious constantly. Be suspicious with so much awareness that you are suspicious from the time you lend him the money.
So if you lend a hundred thousand rupees to someone and later at some point in time you feel that he is not reliable, even then you should not let suspicion arise. "What is going to happen now?' is creating another suspicion. And what do think is going to happen? This body is going to go away and so is this money. Is everything not going to go away eventually? Ultimately you will have to cry. Ultimately, it will all burn in a pyre, will it not? So then why are you killing yourself prematurely? Why not live peacefully?
What do I do when such things happen to me? I tell Ambalal, ‘Ambalal, deposit it into your account. Your money has come!' Rather than incur a loss from suspicion, it is better to secretly deposit it into your account; do it discretely without the knowledge of the other person.
Suspicion and astrology