can arise in a man. But I studied all this from all angles and concluded that it all mounted to nothing. This world is not such that one should have any suspicions.
Questioner: Even I become suspicious when I get a phone call from India, 'What if something happened to mother?'
Dadashri: But suspicion does not help at all. It causes misery. One never knows when an elderly person may die. Are you going to be able to save them? If suspicion is going to arise, keep doing a vidhi (special inner spiritual adjustment) to pure Soul of that person, as follows: 'Dear pure Soul within the name of the person), which is separate from his dravya (discharge) karma, bhaav (charge) karma and no karma (neutral), please grant peace to him.' Do this vidhi before suspicion arises and if suspicion arises then change it with this vidhi.
Vyavasthit eliminates suspicion
The world is miserable from suspicions. Suspicions can take a human being to a lower life form. Nothing is to be gained from suspicions. According to the law of vyavasthit, no one can destroy anything so why are you meddling needlessly by becoming suspicious.
Vyavasthit means whatever 'is', is and whatever 'is not', is not. Whatever 'is', is not going to become 'is not' and what 'is not, is not going to become 'is'. Your meddling is not going to change anything. Therefore, become suspicious-less. After attaining this Gnan, you have become suspicious-free in the matter of the Soul; the awareness that you have attaind is verily the Soul and everything else is discharge of past karmas.
If you were to use vyavasthit in this way, it will stop many suspicions from arising. One cannot say 'whatever is going to happen will happen'. If you understand whatever is 'is' and what is not 'is not’; then there will be no suspicions. And if suspicion does arise, you can erase it. What is there to be suspicious about when 'what is' is, and what is not' is not? Why fret over whether 'will it happen or will it not? Will it happen or will it not? Will my losses come to an end?' You fool, 'What 'is not', is not. If your loss is going to break, it will and if it is not, then it will not. So why fret about it? Therefore, there is no reason to be suspicious of what is and what is not.