Suspicion, continued suspicion and destructive supicion
Questioner: Please explain shanka suspicion, aashanka repeated suspicion, and kushanka destructive suspicion?
Dadashri: An father with intellect, has a grown up daughter. He does not have a lot of attachment towards her, so he will automatically understand that he has to keep a suspicious eye shanka on his daughter. He will have to keep a careful eye on her. A man with awareness will always be alert. One can keep a suspicious eye for one day, but does it have to be everyday? To keep a suspicious eye the next day is aashanka. Should there not be an end to this? Whatever vision of suspicion was employed, that has to end , no? All that is aashanka. Now what is kushanka? If she is going out with a boy, the father will have all kinds of kushanka (negative phases in suspicion) in his mind. Now it may or may not be true. These kinds of suspicions makes human being miserable.
In this world there is no worth keeping-harboring suspicion shanka; it is worth being aware jagruti. Suspicion is taking on unnecessary misery upon one's self. It eats away a person on the inside, day and night. It is necessary to be aware. What is the point of fretting unnecessarily when it is not under your control? Or if you have any understanding in this regard, then stop the girls from going to college. To this statement, the father will claim, 'Who would marry her if she is not educated?' He is not happy this way and he is not happy the other way. Hey you! Take one position and come to closure. Alternatively, another solution is to go around with the daughters day and night! Go with them to college and sit with them in the class. If the professor asks, “Why do you accompany your girls?' then tell him, "Sir, I keep having suspicions about them and so if I stay with them, so I will no longer have suspicions.' People will call him a stupid fool. His daughters themselves will say he is a little crazy.
Therefore, I am telling you not to be suspicious of your daughters. There are people who do not have suspicions about their daughter. Even if they have seven daughters, there is nothing of the sort. They are carefree.