thoughts, speech and acts; and it is futile to even expect that. This is the dushamkad, she is yours as long as she stays with you and cares for you, otherwise she is of someone else's if she cares for another.
That is why 'we' have told all the mahatmas, not to harbor suspicions. 'We also ask them that as long as they have not witnessed anything, why would they believe something to be true in this time cycle? Everything is hollow and without substance to begin with. If 'we' were to describe to you what 'we' have seen, then no man would be living. Therefore, in this time cycle, there is nothing better than to be jolly well alone and have this Gnan as your company.
Therefore, it is worth getting your work done and that is why 'we' repeatedly keep telling you to get your work done, get your work done, get your work done! The intent behind it is that this Vignan, this Gnan will not ever come again in any other era of this time cycle and therefore get your work done.
So do you understand? If you had not seen anything, nothing would have happened. All this is the poison of seeing.
Questioner: Yes, it happens only because I saw it.
Dadashri: So this whole world moves about in darkness and there is nothing but hollowness in it; there is no integrity or substance to this world. 'We have seen all this in Gnan and you have not and that is why you get alarmed when you see something. Why do you get alarmed? This goes on all the time, but you simply don't see it. What is there to be alarmed about when you are the Self? All this is, is simply discharge of karma of all that was charged in the past life. The entire world is clearly in the form of discharge. The world is not outside of discharge. And that is why 'we' tell you, the world is in the form of a discharge, and that is why no one is at fault.
Questioner: So does the principle of karma work here too?
Dadashri: Yes, purely the principle of karma is working here and nothing else. No individual is at fault. It is his karma that makes the poor man go round and round. But if one keeps suspicioun in all this, then he is doomed for no reason.