संक्लिष्टासुरोदीरितदुःखाश्च प्राक् चतुर्थ्याः ॥३-५||
The lives in Hell- up to 3rd Hell, suffer even from the pains caused by the demons = Paramdhãmees. There are 15 types of Paramadhãmees such as Amb, Ambershi, Shyam, Shabal, Rudra, Uprudra, Kal, Mahãkãl,, Asi, Patradhanu, Kumbh, Vãluk, Vaitarni, Kharasvar, Mahāghosh. These Paramadhãmees come roaring like a lion from all around, near a newly born soul/life in Hell. They scream as, “Oh! Kill this sinner! pierce this sinner ! cut its' body into pieces. " and they pierce and cut the body into pieces with spear/arrow, swords and other weapons.
Paramãdhãmees of Amb category, create terror & fear by playing games of various types. They make the lives in Hell run like a dog, take them high in the sky and throw them down with their head facing earth and pierce them with spears and other weapons when they smash and collide the surface. Ambershi Paramadhãmees cut these lives into pieces like vegetables who are made unconsious by the fatal attacks by the Amb Paramadhãmees. Shyam Paramadhãmees too, pierce the organs and the limbs and smash/ collide them on the surface of land-which is hard like a thunderbolt, they hit them with whips, they crush them with their legs.
Shabal Paramãdhãmees give much higher torturings, they cut the heart and stomach of these lives and pull out their intenstines, fat, meat, flesh, etc., and show it all to them. Rudra Parama-dhãmees are also not lesser in the cruelty, they pierce these lives throughout their bodies with swords, spears, dents and tridents and throw them into the high flamed fire. Uprudra Paramadhãmees are even more cruel than the Rudra Parama-dhãmees, they further cut the lives into further smaller pieces and cause much severe pains. Kål Paramadhãmees cook these weeping Hell lives into the hot vessels, like the live fishes.
Mahãkãl Paramãdhãmees are more dangerous and fatal than the Kál, they cut the flesh into very small pieces of shape like tail of a lion, and make the Hell - dwellers eat their own flesh. Asi Paramadhãmees attack & torture by their Asi (i.e. sword), with the sharp swords cut the head, hands, legs, shoulders, thighs and other parts, organs/ limbs of the body of these Helllives. Patradhanu Paramadhãmees show these lives the cool illusionary forest, but when these lives enter these forest in search of the relief, these Patradhanus blow
the wind, by which the tree-leaves with shape & edge like swords and other weapons start falling upon those lives and cut their limbs, ears, nose, hands, lips, etc., Their blood get showered. Kumbh Paramãdhãmees fry these lives in hot boiling oil contained in a Kumbhi (vessel) and other vessels such as Pachnak, Shunthak. Valuka Paramadhãmees roast these lives in the Kadam Válukā earth which is infinite times more hotter than the hot sand in a bakery. Vaitarni Paramadhāmees make these lives walk into illusory Vaitarni lake full of red hot lava, pus, hair, blood, fat & bones, and Kharaswar Parama-dhãmees scream, abuse and make these Hell lives peel the flesh of the each others among themselves and get the skin scratched by axes. These Paramadhãmees themselves too, cut in merciless manner the middle part of the Hell - dwellers with saws like a pieces of a wood. They make them climb the dangerous, extremely sharp thornful tree called as Shalmali trees. Mahāghosh Paramã-dhãmees scream and frighten these lives in Hell by extremely loud roaring voice while these scared lives run here and there, this Mahaghosh Paramadhamees stop them near Vadhasthan [ place of slaughter] and torture them in various ways. [76] PARAMADHÃMEES AFTER THEIR DEATH, ARE BORN AS UNDGOLIK HUMAN BEINGS. Its description is as follows:There is a dweep [ island) situated 55 yojans far from the Jagtini Vedika which is situated at Jambudweep, which is on the southern side of the place, where river Ganga and Sindhu unite and merge in Lavan sea. There are 47 caves in the that dweep / island. It has water born human - beings. These humans are of 1st Sanghyana. They are alcoholic, non - vregetarian and of black complexion. These human beings are known as Undgolik. Their testicles are wrapped with the tail - hair of a cow and tied on their ears by the traders of precious stones when they enter into the sea so that the animals like crocodile and others do not harm. Thus, these traders could explore precious stones from the sea very safely and easily. The testicles of Undgolik human - beings are obtained by the traders which is described as follows:
A dweep / island named as Ratna is situated admist Lavan sea, where the traders of the precious stones reside. They fill alcohol, meat, honey and butter in the vessels of the hard rocks situated near the sea - shore. They take some of these vessels to the place where Undgolik human - beings stay. Seeing these traders, the Undgolok human - beings run to kill them.
Oh God! Hell for me ?!... I dare not even think of...