paintings in the Nahar Family collection in manuscripts of Kalpa Sutra by Bhadrabahu (about 356 B. C.) where he deals with the lives of the Jains. They are on the same subject from the life of Parswanath, the 23rd Tirthankar and give excellent points for comparison. In one of these pictures will be found the very sharp-hooked nose and large eyes with no less asthetic value of early Indian paintings. In the second one we find much developed ideas under the influence of the Mahomedan period. The interesting changes in drapery, posture, colouring and everything else, is very striking.
Another plate (through the courtesy of J. S. Conference, Bombay.) contains portraits of the Jain Acharya Hem Chandra and King Kumarpal from a palm leaf manuscript written in the year 1237 A. D. and preserved in the Bhalar at Patan. These pictures show the peculiar style and serve as specimens of early Jain paintings. The Mahomedan period entirely changed the idea. It is only in the later period that we find paintings of buildings, scenery and portraits throughout the country.