GUNASTHANAS. live a transcendent life still we are in communion with them. It is not they indeed that under the mask of our personality, do our thinking and pray against our temptations and wipe our tears. These are truly our own. But still they are in presence of a sympathy free to answer, spirit to spirit ; neither merging in the other, although both are in the same affections and inmost preferences. Did we remove this element of transcendency of Siddhas so as to render them absolutely universal, the effect would be the reverse of objector's expectations, and instead of gaining something more noble and divine for these Sidihas, we should in reality lose all. For all transcendency would then be gone and no range would be left for the life of these Divine Siddhas ; they would be all in all. But the conception of personality requires that of a personal being, living with persons and acting on grounds of reason and righteousness. In proportion as a being mechanises himself and commits all his energy to immutable methods and degrees which is inevitable if he happens to be wholly untranscendental, he abdicates