MOKSHA OR EMANCIPATION. other systems of thought and culture. They have various states of the beatitude which they aim at according to the different schools of thought to which they belong. For instance the Vedantist has two states of bliss in view viz., one inferior which is attained in this life by means of knowledge, taträparah jivanmukti lakshanam tatvajnånântarena; and the other superior, obtainable after many births of gradual advancement to perfection, param nihsreyasam kramena bhavati.
Similarly the Charvakas hold it to be either absolute autonomy here in this life or death that is bliss, svåtantryam mrityurba mokshah.
The Madhyamikas say, that it is the extinction of the self-hood that is called liberation, åtmóchhedo mokshah.
The Vijnâni philosophers have it to be for a clear and edified understanding, nirmala jnanodayah.
The Râmânujists hold it be the knowledge of vasudeva as the cause of this all, Vasudeva jnanam. The Ballabhis find it in the sporting with
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