continually get into the piva to be there in the state of sattâ for some time only to be awakened into kinetic energies whirling the jiva round through the different grades of sansår, while others will indeed fall off yielding places to newer ones. Therefore, instead of leaving the life to chances, the sages have devised means and methods whereby the seeds of karma could so burnt as to wholly neutralize their effects and leave the soul free and pure to soar up and up into the regions of the Siddhasila. Experience have taught us that the karmic-seeds-the root-evolvent of miseries-could be burnt up into nought in the glow of austerities-Tapas. Just as fire consumes the combustible so do the tapas-austerities burn up the karmabija of the jiva and sets him free from the turmoils of sansára. These austerities are of various kinds and types which for the sake of convenience, have been classified by the Jain moralists, primarily into (I) Båhya, exterior and (II) Antar, Interior austerities.
(1) By Bahya, exterior or physical austerities, our physical nature is so con