SAMVARA OR STOPPAGE. temporarily taken as habitat (nishadya), (11) on uncomfortable beddings to sleep on (shayya), (12) on taunts and reproaches (akrosha), (13) on personal injury (badha), (14) on begging alms (ydchnya), (15) on disappointment in the begging (alabha), (16) on desease (roga), (17) on thorn-pricks (trina sparsha), (18) on physical dirt and impurities (mala); (19) on being indifferent to words of praise and acts of service relative to himself (sat karma); (20) on the avoidance of the pride of learming (Prajna) (21) on the avoidance of pain due to the consciousness of his own ignorance (agnana), (22) on the avoidance of being cast down for not being able to acquire a right-vision into metaphysics of ideas and ideals.
Now these are the two and twenty Parishahas or forms of endurance which otherwise tell upon a mumukshin jiva so as to cast him away from the right path and conduct without which the progress towards the highest state of being and bliss is held to be impossible.
Then there are the Five-fold Conduct for further stoppage of the influx. The five-told