proper things under the garb of propriety, or of ostensibly presenting a fair appearance but secretly practising vice or villany; like a courtezan who plays the dancing drum in the way of her infamous profession yet with modesty affected within her veil. The import of maya-mrisa as interpreted by the Jains is fairly borne out by the well-known Bengali expression "Ghomtår bhitaré khêmtâ nacha .e. beating a drum within a veil : Khemtâ here bears the same reputation as the cancan does in France.
(18) Mithya darshana shalya or False perception by psychological parallogism-This is the last of the eighteen kinds of the enumerated vices. It consists in taking a thing for what it is not, or viewing a thing as that which it is really not. Mithy& Darshan, therefore, is the error attatching to the mistaken apprehension of a thing appearing as