( xxii) hatred of the two families of Vasistha and Viswamitra for generations form subjects prominent throughout the vedic antiquity. The cursing on Harish Chandra, the King of Ajodhya, by Vashistha, the leader of the priest-class, and the consequent appointment of Viswanitra by Harish Chandra as his priest is also another instance to illustrate the spirit of Vedantic militarism against Brahmanic ritualism and monoply. Thus the idea militant in the Upanishads became the idea tirumphant in hands of the Kshatriya kings and princes. And this why we find later on that the Brâhmans are betaking themselves as pupils to the Kshatriya kings and princes in order to have the Arman expounded to them. The Brahman Nárad receiving instructions from Sanat Kumar ; Gargya Balaki from the king Ajâtsatru of Kasi. All these are further confirmed by the words of the king Pravan Jaivali to Aruni, a Brâhman pupil whom the king says~"Because, as you have told, O Goutam, the doctrine has never up to the present time been in circulation among the Brâhmans, therefore in all the worlds the Government has remained in the hands of the warrior caste".