in Sanskrit cementing up, as it were, into an organic whole. In dissecting a dead body when we sever its parts by our knives, we cannot afterwards restore them to their original position and connection : because in dissection, the connecting tissues which bind the muscles, the nerves etc. into. an organic whole are also cut asunder. Now the bandhan nama kârma means those sets of action-currents which evolve and determine as well, the nature and character of these connecting (links) tissues which bind together the component parts of a body. And as bodies are stated to be of five different kinds as noted in the above under sarira nama karma, so the nature and character of the connecting tissues which bind together the component parts of these bodies must also be of different nature and character as given below : 18. (i) Oudàrika bandhan karma—means
the set of action-currents which evolve and determine the nature and character of the 'connecting tissues' binding together the component parts of the gross physical body. 433