parable from
many others which partly appears to be resultant of such a line of thinking and
Responsibireasoning. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ lity and Lia
bility insewhereby the entire race of sinners was
each other. saved is but another illustration of the same kind of interpretation that can only proceed from Christian bigotry.
To disown the sequence and own the antecedents is like the denial of attributes to a substance. The attributes inseparably go with the substance ; so does the consequence i.e. responsibility for the thought and act inseparably goes with the thought and act themselves. Doing an act of vice is not the same as the act of borrowing money and incurring a debt which can well be cleared up, either by the debtor himself, or by another for and on his behalf. It is not like the liquidation of a debt some how or other, and shirking all responsibility thereby ; for, i not only the man who commits an act of vice, has to undergo the consequence of the same; but he has also to bear the burden of the Karma-pudgal which clinging to the soul instinctively develops a certain strength and vibratory