resting in nowhere and then entering another thing we call effect; for, the conception itself is a psychological impossibility. So here too is a big chasm in our thought. Thus we see none of these hypotheses can stand the test of reason and we are thus led by an immanent process of dialectic to our own theory, the only theory logically tenable and free from these short-comings as we shall presently see. By Karma sarira we mean that Experiential body where the effects caused by the Oudarika are stored up as it were in a subtle form. The operation of the Oudarika or the Perceptual organism leaves a permanent vestige upon the karman, known as karma-vestige, just as the agitation of the brain molecules in thought, leaves a permanent vestige upon the brain itself. This is what we mean by karmic effects. These karmic effects, again, as we shall show hereafter, determine the nature of the perceptual organism or the Oudarika body. The operation of the Oudarika body leaves this karma-vestige upon the Experiential body and thereby modifies it to a certain extent, while on the other hand,
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