Even Bud hism admits of Karma
is thus a composite existence subject to the control of the Law of Karma and Rebirth.
Almost all the ancient systems of philosophy, ud- excepting only that of the sage Brihaspati,
are at one here. Even Budhisism which and Rebirth
denied the very reality of everything, could not deny the force and validity of the Law of Karma and Rebirth. All is impermanent, says a Budha, so that there is no eternal entity passing over to Nirvan across the ocean of Sansår. All is without an ego so that there is no soul to survive the shocks of death and dessolution. Thus rejecting, on the one hand, the metaphysical entity of Sansår and immortality of soul, Budhism, on the otherhand, teaches that it is Karma that sets revolving the 'Wheel of Becoming.' Or more plainly, it is our Karma—the abiding consequences of our actions which subject us to the repetition of births and deaths.
The belief in the law of Karma has been very strong in the Indian mind from time out of mind so much so that it has almost become constitutional with the Indians inhabiting this vast penen