a feeling of wonder and admiration but morally prevail upon us to posit and believe, as it were, in an Intelligent Designer and Maker behind,-is it that all these and the like changes are but so many results of chances? Wherein lies the necessity and utility of the philosophy then, if it denies God but cannot reasonably account for the amazing occurances in the world of phenomena ?
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Indeed and it is worth while to remark Universe-a permutatio n that a patient perusual of the preceding and compages on the predicaments, their character atoms. and their devolopments will convince anyone in the truth of the summary statement we make here that speaking of the Universe as a whole or in part, it is but permutations and combinations of our four primary rudiments viz., time, space, soul and Pudgal matter. These rudiments are resolvable into the minutest of their minute parts which give a limit to fresh divisions by not admitting of any further analysis.
Now a study of the nature of these ultimate ingredients reveals to us that these each and everyone-are surcharg