Noume non and Phenomena.
is the world relative only. So the absolute lies beyond the world of the relative-beyond the world of phenomena. Shankar thinks in this way, We hold, however, that absolute is not beyond the phenomena : rather all phenomena are but particular aspects or phases of this all inclusive unity which is Absolute.--The whole and the aspects of The whole. The whole of reality conceived as a single ultimate unity is noumenon and phenomena are but its partial phases.,
But then the question is, What is a Noumenon ? Is it an aggregate of phenomena. The Noumenon, we hold, is superior to phenomena; because it is all inclusive whole. Phenomena are but fragmentary aspects of Noumenon. This all inclusive whole (noumenon) cannot stand apart from those which it includes (phenomena). If it is an all inclusive unity and phenomena are fragmentary aspects of this unity, then is it an aggregate of phenomena ? No. The Self is not apart from its various determinations or states of the Self. It is not something above and over the psychoses. What is the Self? It is not a mere sum of its determinations as the