Final Repu
EXAMINATION OF SHANKAR. that they cannot be described all at once and simultaneously (nar graç1918); but surely they are describable gradually and successively (analpADITTA).
VI. To repudiate the sixth, we submit that the knowledge accruing from the ascertainment of the predicaments both as such and not such, according to the four-fold constituent elements of themselves and as belonging to the Other than themselves and our determination as well of their existence and non-existence in like manner being Right Knowledge (HRT ETA); and Un-right Knowledge (94R1FZna) being opposite to Right Knowledge, the Right Knowledge exists only as such i.e. in so far its own matter and form are concerned but does not exist in the matter and form of the Wrong - Knowledge and vice-versa, the Wrong Knowledge exists in its own matter and form and does not exist as the matter and form of the Right Knowledge. And likewise the Heaven and Freedom, they are in their own matter and form; but they are not as the matter and form of what are known as Hell and Bondage.