Amduat ("That Which Is In the Afterworld") 2494-2345 BC
This lintel once stood above the door to the tomb chapel of a high official of the Kings of the 5th Dynasty (2494-2345 BC). Its beautifully carved hieroglyphs tell us that his name was Ka'Aper
Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Literature and was probably written in the 6th Dynasty (2300 to 2150 BCE). It only comes down to us from much later copies. Papyrus Prisse is dated to the Middle Kingdom (2040 to 1650 BCE).
Early Dynastic Period of Egypt 3100-2890 seven rulers 2890-2686 nine rulers
Famine Stela--Djoser grants to temple of Khnum a share of revenue. Netjerirykhet (Djoser) 2628-2609