Verse 4
yo devebhya Atapati yo devAnAm purohita: poorvo yo devebhyo jAta: namo rucAya brAhmaye || 4 |
We salute you Brahman the ever shining one who shines as divinity in the gods and is the priest to the gods, who was borm before the gods who is brilliant in himself
Verse 5
rucam brAmham janayanta: deva agre tadabruvan yastvaivam brAhmaNo vidhyAt tasya deva asan vashe | 5 ||
The knowledge of the Brahman was in the beginning given to the gods. Whosoever thus has inclination towards Brahman and knows him will control the gods.
Verse 6
hreeshca te lakshmeeshca patnyau | ahorAtre pArshve | nakshatrАNi roopam ashvinau vyAttam
Modesty and Wealth are your wives and day and night are on your right and on the left. The stars ar your body and healing is in your mouth.
iSHTam maniSHANA amum maniSHANA | sarvam maniSHANA ||
Grant us Our desires, Happiness, and Everything we need..