Thirdly, the connection between a word and its meaning is eternal. Fourthly, Sound is eternal. Fifthly, Because sound is eternal words which are made up of sounds are also eternal.
Sixthly Because words are eternal therefore the Vedas are eternal and because the Vedas are eternal they are not made by man nor by God.
What can one say of these premises? Can there be anything more absurd? Who can accept that the Vedas contain something not comprehensible by human senses? Who can accept that there is an eternal connection between a word and its meaning? Who can accept that sound is not created nor manifested but is eternal?"
- Ambedkar: Riddle In Hinduism
It is not only the illiterate masses, who believe in this but also the most educated and the learned. Such is the mentality that has been purposefully created by the few elites of this land. It not only remains a harmful superstition on personal level, but is also used by these clever people to obscure any inquiry or any kind of intelligent interchange of ideas.
It goes much further in some cases as in the following:
Mythologies of the world.
"One more thing you should know that certain stories of the Puranas and the Bhagawatam which traveled through the trade routes to the West in the earlier days were adopted into the religious mythological imaginations of those countries. Thus the religious myths of the Greeks, Romans, Europeans and Assyrians etc. were all based on the broken stories of the Hindu scriptures that reached those countries by mouth.
One thing must be clearly understood that the concept of god/God in the western religions is based either on the imaginations of certain spirit gods of nature (like: god of fire, god of thunder etc.) or one single spirit god (God) of the entire nature. Thus, in both ways. It is only the mylogical level and it is purely mayic. It never relates to the Divinity of the omnipresent supreme God. Thus in no way could there be any comparison of the western religions (whch are based on mythologies) with the Hindu Vedic religion which is eternal, universal and directly revealed by the supreme God."