( 78 ) bees become of one mind in the construction of their honeycomb, Gods, who are lofty souls, immutable, immaterial, and of the forms of light, do not agree with each other. Do you consider Gods to be inferior even to insects in intelligence, knowledge and goodness as they cannot agree ?
54. Q.-The construction of the honeycomb,
which a swam of bees seem to build, is really due to the inner working of God.
A.-If it is so, then all such acts as making
a pot, committing theft or fornication &c. will appear to have really been prompted by God, and man will be stripped of their responsibility.
Who will in such circumstances suffer the consequences of their deeds ? Nor will there remain any necessity of send ing men to heaven or hell.
55. Q.-It is evident that a potter, a thief or for
the matter of that any other man has perfect liberty of action.