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51. Q.-As to your statement that all objects having bodies are the work of an intelligent Being, I give an example and it is that an old ruined well reminds of a mason, though not present there, as in the case of a newly built well.
A. Your positionis not correct, a cloud, a serpent's hole etc. are objects having bodies but their maker is not any intelligent Being. If you say that a cloud, the rainbow, a serpent's hole &c. are not considered to be the work of an all-intelligent. Being, then similarly the earth and mountains do not require an intelligent Being to produce them.
God is never proved to be the creator of the world on the strength of the arguments hitherto advanced. I ask those who believe God to be the creator of the world to thoroughly answer all my arguments and until they do so, they should cease believing in the God being the creator of the world. If any believers in God answer all these arguments satis