( 57 ) Being. The world is a product just like a pot. It is therefore the production of an intelligent Being who is none else than God. If you say that this argument is untenable because the earth, mountains, trees &c. are produced by the combination of their innate causes and are therefore effects, and have bodies ; this is not right. Nor can it be said that this argument is manysided and contradictory as it is very remote from the position of the opponents. Nor can it be urged that this argument is beyond the basis of Time as the direct evidence is not barred by the scripture-the subject and its attributes being different. Nor can it be said that this argument is not cognate as what is to be proved is not established by the absence of the contrary proposition. Nor can it be said that God is not the creator of the world because of His having no body and being just as a liberated soul. There is a conflict between the first and second propositions which does not allow the statement that God is the creator of the