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illusion to be separate from Brahma you come to believe in Dualism and the monistic theory is damaged. If you consider the belief in the distinction between a pillar and a pot to be illusion, then it means that the pot &c. has a real existence somewhere, so long as the reality is not seen one cannot form the idea of illusion or unreality. He who has not seen a live serpent can never have the illusion of a serpent in a rope.
This too repudiates the monistic reality. The monistic theory is certainly to be preached to others and not to one's ownself as the preacher is himself without any illusion or perverted knowledge. If the preacher is himself affected with illusion he cannot prove the monistic theory to others.
36. Q-Since the soul is affected with illusion or
perverted knowledge it is necessary to preach the monistic theory.
A.-When the illusion of the soul is gone,