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er argument you gave an example of a mother of pearl. That example is inapplicable in asmuch as the mother of pearl is included in the phenomena which you consider to be unreal. An example ought to refer to a thing which is capable of being proved. It is not yet proved whether the existence of the mother of pearl is real or unreal. Such being the case you cannot give an ex. ample of it. Further I ask you whether the argument you put forward to prove the unreality of phenomena is included in the phenomena or not? If not included, is it real or unreal ? If real, then the phenomena too like your argument, are also real. If unreal, is it a void or an example of “Perverse knowledge" or something inexpressible ? The first two propositions are not conducive to what is to be proved ; they are just as the horns of a man or the silver in a mother of pearl. As regards the third statement relating to indescribability, it cannot in the first place be possibly thought of, then it cannot prove the point at issue.