and what they were in the previous life, was the result of their actions in the one preceding it. In this way the chain goes back ad-infinitnm. This argument proves that the world is beginningless
and that God is not its creator. 23. Q.-I believe only in one supreme Brahma
who is an ever existing reality A.- If there is only one Supreme Brahma of
ever-existing reality then does it not follow from this that all these variegated phenomena such as pine tree, mango tree,
sugar cane, palm tree &c &c are unreal? 24. Q.-All this phenomenon is unreal. All
that appears is unreal. Nothing more real than the appearance of silver in a mother of pearls (fish, shell). There is only one
Supreme Brahma who is perpetually real. A.-Your statement does not point to your
keen intelligence. There are three kinds of unrealities. One that is substantially untrue, the other which appears different from what it really is and the third which is indescribable unreality. Which of these unrealities do you believe in ?