17. Q. God is always happy. He had no
deficiency in order to make up which, He created this world. He creates the uni.
verse in order to manifest His glory. A.-Was not the glory of God manifest before
He created the universe ? If His glory was not manifest before the creation, God must be in a gloomy mood and anxious about the attainment of His desire and to manifest His glory. God must therefore be in misery. If He was miserable before the creation why did He remain idle and why did He not remove His misery by creating another
universe before this universe. 18. Q.-God has created the universe with the
object that the souls may do virtuous deeds and attain unending happiness. He created the universe to do good to
others. A.-If it is doing good to others to make them
do good deeds and attain happiness, what act of goodness is His towards those who have gone to the hell after committing sins ?