( 32 ) obedience to scriptural injunctions:--keeping fasts, abandonment of greed, passion and animosity, enrolment in the order of ascetics, anchorites, mendicants &c., adherence to the virtues of compassion, self control, charity, truthfulness, abstinence from theft and the company of women. Does it not show that God is neither discrect nor wise ? As regards the 3rd objection, the answer is as follows:If you say that God created the souls encrusted with sin, then does it not show that the souls were charged with sins without having done them? When the God Himself has ruined us, to whom else are we to represent our grievances to the effect that we have been charged with sin by God without our having committed them and soliciting his aid in keeping God from doing so. The unjust God who charges us with sins without our committing them ought never to be adored. If God had created all the souls encrusted with sin, a birth in the family of kings, ministers,