A.--O simple-minded man, the example of a
child which you have given is not correct because the parents of the child do not know that the toy they have given will be so used by him as to injure his eye. If the parents knew this they would never give the toy to the child. If they give it knowingly, they are not his parents but his enemies. Similarly according to your theory, God is to be regarded as our parent and we are all his children. If He knew that the man who has been given hands, feet, mind, and other senses, would use them so as to commit sins leading him to hell, He would not have created him. If He did not know this, He is proved to be devoid of wisdom and omniscience. If He knew this, the charge of His being our enemy is brought against Him. What was His object in getting so many men doing things which would lead them to hell ? God is proved to be unjust in as much as He has supplied man wherewithal to do sin, and then punished him for doing so.