( 27 ) proved omnipotent, then can He be proved to have created the universe without any material cause. When He is proved to be the creator of the universe, then only can He be proved omnipotent. Is not this
reasoning in a circle ? 13. Q.-The existence of God is self-evident.
Why do you not consider Him as the
creator of the universe ? A.-If the creation of the universe by God
is proved self-evident, then none can have any dispute about it and our controversy about God may also cease because what is self evident admits of no argumentation. But that the presence of God cannot be known by direct perception, has been laid down in your Vedas.*
This Vedic verse evidently shows that God
cannot be cognised by any one. 14. Q.-How has the world come into exis
tence without a creator ? This inferential proof establishes that God is the
NOTE --Without feet and hands, He walks and grasps, without
eyes He sees, without ear, He hears; He knows the universe best but there is none in the universe who knows Him. He is called the primeral ancient Purusha.