( 25 ) If that is the case, then instead of creating the universe He has brought on His own ruin. This is the first stigma on
God. (2.) When Ishvara has become everything, then
what is the use of his creating the Vedas and other scriptures and what is the use of reading them. This is another imper
fection of Him. (3.) If these Vedas and other scriptures were
created for His own knowledge, then he must be without knowledge before creation. This is the third fallacy.
(4.) He is proved to have become impure from
being pure and to have undergone the labour of creating the universe which is
fruitless. This is the fourth fallacy. (5.) The fifth objection arises that no distinc
tion between good and evil is proved. (6.) The sixth objection is ;-Why has He iu
volved Himself in this difficulty. In this way you impute many imperfections to God.
12. Q.-God is omnipotent ; hence he can