( 19 ) the doctrine of regarding all that is in the world to be God. The followers of Nyaya and Vaisheshik doctrines believe in God who is One, Omnipresent, eternal, an everlasting abode of wisdom, omniscient, the dispenser of the fruits of the good and bad actions of beings and who consigns them to hell and heaven. The followers of Budhism believe in a God who is the preacher of their four eternal truths viz., existence of Sorrow or Misery, cause of suffering, cessation of sorrow and the path that leads to that cessation, and who incarnates himself in the world whenever his teaching is nego
lected. 4. Q.-What do reasoning and scriptures say
in regard to the existence of God ? A.--The reasoning in establishing the existence
of God is simply this. There are two kinds of words or expressions simple and compound. The examples of simple words are pot, cloth, soul, virtue, merit, sin, liberation, spirit, and those of com