in the book it would not be inappropriate if it is entitled “Tattvapunj” or collection of cardinal truths.
This work after completion was handed over to Mr. Vir Chandra Gandhi, who by its aid created a thirst in the minds of the people at Chicago and other places for spiritual knowledge to such an extent that he was again invited to America. The invitation was gladly accepted by Mr. Vir Chundra Gandhi who resolved to go there with his family. On the occasion of his departure, the spiritual-minded Jains of Bombay presented several addresses to him. For fear of space, the purport of only one of these addresses is given below :Dear brother Mr. Vir Chandra Raghav Gandhi.
We, the members of the Shri Hem Chandracharya Abhyas Society, have met together to express our feelings of joy and sorrow-joy at the thought that you are going to such a distant country for the dissimination of tenets of Jainism, and sorrow because we will be deprived of the assistance of such a useful member.
Dear brother, at a time when there was very little education among our community, you