( 11 ) hast done me, I dedicate this book to thee in all sincerety of feeling as a mark of my gratitude.”
The reader of the present work will find all r.ecessary information regarding the following questions :
What is God? What kind of God ought to be adored ? In what way do the Jains and in what way do the followers of other religions believe in God? Whether God can be proved as the creator of the universe or no ? What is action and how is it internally and externally classified ? What bondages are caused by what actions and what are their fruits ? What is that which leads from one state of existence to another state of existence? What connection is there between the soul and the actions ? Does the soul perform the actions itself or is led by some other force to perfom them ? Does the soul enjoy the fruits of its actions itself or is allowed by some other to enjoy them ? In what matters do all religions agree unanimously? Has the soul the power of becoming God or no ? Does the soul return to the world after liberation or no ? Whether or not is it possible for the world being depleted of