( 202 ) 92 Pride [alân} 7th Papasthaua. 132 Frân-Breath. 60 Quality of pervasion (Vyapti). Invariable
association of Sâdya and Linga. 92 Quarrel [Kalah] 12th Papasthan. 166 Ramânuj-He is a propounder of the Vis
histâdvait school of philosophy. His chief work is a commentary on Vedant
Sutras. 143 Rathyâtra. Taking the image of God in a
chariot along with a procession. 100 Reverence to Scriptures. [Sruta Bhakti). 99 Right-seeing [Darsan, Samyaktwa]. 18 Sånkya doctrine-Teaching of sage Kapila.
It forms one of the ancient schools of Hindu philosophy. The followers of
this doctrine are called Sankyâs. 92 Scandal. [Paraparivada] 15th Papasthân. 98 Self-enlightened [Kevali] one who destroys
four kinds of Ghati karmas and obtains
infinite knowledge etc. 99 Self-control [Samvega). 92 Sentimental grievance [Mithyatwa Salya]
18th Papasthân.