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101 Q...In what way can religious books, natural
science, political economy and sociology help the Dharma shâstra ?
A.--By religious books I mean the sacred
books of every religion. The truth in every sacred book is helpful to the progress of righteousness and the untruth therein is a sort of set back to it. The books on physical science disclose many of the infinite forces which are mentioned in the religions books to be working by combination of matter and force. Consequently the books on physical science help in supporting the truth contained in the sacred love. By Jivan shastra, I mean po. litical economy. If money is earned by honest means, jiran shastra is helpful in furthering the object of dharma shâstra. If money is earned by (lishonest means, it would cause sin and it goes against dharmı shậstra. The Vaidik shâstra is helpful in spreading dharma shâstra by removing diseases. By samajik shastra I mean niti shâstra As niti shâstra makes