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power, 6. infinite fine gifts, 7. forgiveness, 8. greedlessness, 9. simplicity. 10. pridelessness, 11. humility, 12. truth, 13. self control, 14. desirelessness, 15. chastity, 16. mercy, 17. doing good to others, 18. absence of attachment, 19. absence of disliking, 20. fearlessness, 21. absence of hatred, 22. absence of laughter, 23. absence of shock, 24. absence of pleasure, 25. absence of pain. 26. passionlessness, 27. absence of superstition, 28 absence of ignorance, 29. sleeplessness, 30. absence of indifference 31. absence of idea of friendship and enmity, 32. equal regard for gold and stone, 33. equal regard for woman and grass, 34. avoidance of flesh diet, 35. avoidance of intoxicating drugs, 36. avoidance of eating uneatables, 37. fathomless mercy, 38. bravery, 39. strength, 40. fortitude, 41. serenity, 42. absence of speaking ill of others, 43. absence of self. praise, 44. power to cause, throngh preachings, the salvation of those who have ill feelings towards him and who disgrace him and speak ill of him, etc. etc.