( 155 ) ma. The Bhagavati Satra says that Somal Brahman learned 14 sciences and after en. quiring about the elements accepted the Jaina religion. Shayyambhava Bhat, the author of the Dasha-Vaikâlika Sutra gave up Mimânsak religion and became the desciple of Muni Prabhava Swami. The following 11 Brahmans (1) Indra Bhuti, (2) Agni Bhuti, (3) Vayu Bhuti, (4) Wyakt Swami, (5) Sudharmâ, (6) Mandit Putra, (7) Maurya Putra, (8) A kampita, (9) Achal Bhrâtâ, (10) Metarya and (11) Prabhas along with the 4400 desciples—all learned in 14 sciences-ascertaining the truths, took Diksha (initiation) from the venerable Lord Mahâvira the 24th Tirthankara and became his desciples.
85 Q.-What effects have the dead religions of
the world upon mankind at present ?
A.-The Jaina, Veda or Mimânsak, Naiyâyik,
Sânkhya, Pâtanjal and Buddha religions are counted among the oldest religions of India. Now all the above religions excepting Buddhism have their existence in