( 127 ) does not exist independently and is like a picture on the wall, which disappears with the destruction of the wall nor can be transferred to another wall. Similarly is the case with consciousness. This argument is fallacious. The soul is formless and the internal body is very subtle and it is hence that the soul though migrating with its subtle kârman body is not seen. It can be perceived only by its characteristics. A creature though just born has an idea of individuality. It runs away at the sight of its enemy. The individuality is determined by its previous tendencies. So long as the good or eril of a thing is not perceived it does not abstract or repel any one.
The propensities which we see at the birth of a creature are the result of the tendencies of the past life. The transmigration of soul is therefore proved.
How is the knowledge of soul to be arrived at by an inference when its movements are not visibly seen.
Your statement is not correct. The