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come. These actions are of various and complicated forms and are fully described in such works as Shat Karmagranth, Pancha-Sangraha, Karmaprakriti and others. The study of these works will bear out the truth of my statement.
The main conclusion is that according to their actions, virtuous or wicked, all beings will be reborn in their next lives. Now as regards the Chârvâkâs or the atheists who consider that life is the product of 4 elements and who do not believe in the past or future life nor in the existence of heaven or hell &c, I proceed to repudiate their doctrine as given in the commentry on Nandi sutras. The Chârvâkâs or the atheists say that since there is no soul there is no meaning in the mutual quarrels of religionists over it. They further say that there being no soul the followers of Jainism, Buddhism, Sânkhya, Naiyâvika, Vaisheshika and Jaimini philosophies i. e. six philosophies simply lead man to confusion and perplexity and make them give up their enjoyments.