work on the subject by the name of Yoniprâbhrita Shâstra which related to the chemistry of things. What the existing ancient Jain scriptures say is in accordance with science. Wbat has been, is and will be in this world is the result of the combination of matter and spirit. The cosmic laws that are, have been existing from all eteroity by the strengtą of material and spiritual forces. This is why the Jains do not hold God to be the creator of the world. That God is not the creator of the world has already been established by a series of reasoning. If the forces of matter are to be considered
God, then the Jains have no objection to it. The Jain belief is not therefore opposed to the conclusion of modern science. If it is contended that all substances, all the forces inherent in them and that all the laws of the world have been created by the power of God, it is repudiated by the argument that no effects come into being without their material causes-an argument recognised