मु समाठीन जाति सम्बन्धी विस्तृत साहित्य में से प्राप्त पुस्तकों और पत्रों का विवरण :
Reference to the 'Sarak' or 'Sarawak' can be had in the following books and Journals :
1. A Statistical Account of Bengal Vo. XVII
(Tributary States & Manbhum)
by W. W. Hunter. Published in London 1877. See Pages 291, 293 and 301-2. 2. Archæological Survey of India Reports Vol VIII Bengal Province by Cunningham 1878.
See Tour through the Bengal Province in 1872-73 by J. D. Begler. 3. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol XXXV 1866. Part I. Page 186. Notes on a tour in Manbhum iu 1864-65 by Lieutenant Colonel E. T. Dalton Chief Commissioner of Chota Nagpur. Do
Para II. Page 164. 4. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society for June 1869 Page 170. On the Ancient Copper Miners of Singhbum. by V. Ball Geological Survey of India.
5. The people of India by Sir Herbert Risley K. C. I. E, C. I. E. 1908 Page 77.
Bengal District Gazetteer 1911. Vo. XXVII-Manbhum Pages 48-52, 83-85 and 263-289.
7. Bengal District Gazetteer 1910 Vo. XX. Singhbhum Page 25.
Puri (Orissa) Gazetteer 1908.
9. Tribes & Castes of Bengal by H. M. Risley Vol II Ethnographic Glossery 1891.
Gait's Census Reports of 1911. No. 455 pages 209 No. 457
11. Ethnology of Bengal by Dalton.
12. Archæological Survey 1911 by Nagendra Nath Basu.
Asiatic Researches Vol IX by Prof. Wilson.