then only this attachment induced sleep will go away, and then only will the karma thieves not be
able to loot me. 9. Unless I fill up my lamp of knowledge with the oil
of austerity and clean my house (soul) without doubts, these thieves (my previous karmic matter) will not get out. The five big vows and the five limitations ("samiti") will help me win over these five senses. I should annihilate all karmas. 10. This
Twelve Reflections * 1. Everyone, including the kings, the warriors, and the
elephant riders, dies one day when their turn comes. 2. At the time of death, no one can save the person
including his peers, power, gods, goddesses, father,
mother, family or friends. 3. Poor people are unhappy because they do not have
money, and rich people are unhappy because they do not have enough. There is no happi-ness in this
world; I have searched it all over. 4. This Jeeva takes birth alone, and dies alone. In a true
sense, he never has any comrade. 5. As soon as we die, nobody will be ours. The house
and the wealth are obviously not ours, but even the
family members will no longer be ours 6. This beautiful body is simply a bone structure
covered with skin. If we look inside, we would find that there is no dirtier place in the world than this
body. 7. The people are wandering around due to the sleep
brought on by the attachments. Our karmas are the thieves that are taking away all our soul's power,
and we don't realize it. 8. If a good teacher comes along and wakes me up, For Private & Personal Use Only www.yjf.org.uk
For Private & Personal Use Only www.yjf.org.uk