This "auspicious" aarti explains that when we bow down to these five "Supremes", we gain ultimate happiness.
In the first aarti, we pay our respects to the conquerors of inner enemies, who will help us cross the ocean of the world of misery.
In the second aarti, we pay our respects to the perfect souls; simply thinking about them will help us break the cycle of birth and death.
In the third aarti, we pay our respects to the spiritual masters, who will help us remove all the pains related to birth and death.
In the fourth aarti, we pay our respects to the teachers of mankind; seeing their faith and knowledge will help remove the negative karmic matter.
In the fifth aarti, we pay our respects to saadhus, who help us destroy false knowledge and show the path to
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In the sixth aarti, we pay our respects to those who follow the eleven renunciation stages; when a shraavak bows to them, shraavak experiences happiness.
In the seventh aarti, we pay our respects to Jain teaching, which leads us to the right path of the ultimate goal of liberation.
Thus says the poet Dhyanat.
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