One need not for its Use vile means to heap up wealth. 31 Made of bones and loathsome flesh, Offensive filth and nasty germs, It is too hideous and impure, To turn sacred with wealthy hoard. 32
19. What doth add to vigour of flesh,
Doth verily sap the vigour of soul, And what doth add to wealth of soul, Doth verily end the needs of flesh. 33
As wealth increases greeds of flesh, It verily saps the life of self, Of what use is the gain of wealth, Which makes you lose divine self. 34 Concentrated thought is the only remedy 20. Every thing can be had in life, By force of concentrated thought, Both the precious and the worthless, Philosopher's gem, or piece of stone. 35 It is to be settled by the wise, Which of the two is worth attempt, The divine self of eternal bliss, Or mortal life of filth and ills. 36
Self is the only Thing Worth Realisation 21. The self enframed by body though, Is embodiment of the perfect light,