ઈબ્દોપદેશ 9. If seen with clear crystal vision,
Free from whims of likes, dislikes, No more related to us they are, Than forest trees are to birds. 19 They flying come from distant lands, Settle on trees for the night, And take to wings for quarters new,
When morning comes with feast of light. 20 10. As digger lowers the spade from high,
The digger too is lowered by spade, Who lowers others by aggression, Is surely lowered by the same. 21 This law of action and reaction, Though patent in the realm of life, But strange it is they fly in passion,
When paid are in their own coin. 22 11. For false whims of likes, dislikes,
Born of the egotistic trends, Self is dipped from eternal time, In deep waters of births and deaths. 23
Worldly Life Is a Chain of Pains : 12. The worldly life is set on frame,
Ever on move like waterwheel, Full of turns of ills and pains, With little rest from cares and needs. 24